Lithovit CO2

Lithovit CO2

# Guaranteed Content %w/w
1 Total Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) % 72
2 Total Magnesium Carbonate (MgCO3) % 7
3 Maximum Moisture % 0,3
4 Grain Size < 25µm
5 pH 8-10
  • Lithovit Natural CO2 foliar fertilizer can be used effectively indoors and outdoors. Calcium Carbonate is supported by a large number of micronutrients. Lithovit particles are so small that they can be directly absorbed through plant stomata. [particle diameters between 200 nanometers (0.0002 mm) and 10 microns (0.01 mm)]
  • Lithovit particles between cell spaces in leaves release CO2 and other microelements, enabling them to become active.
  • The CO2 content of normal air is 0.04% (four in ten thousand) vol. This means low CO2 content. Cultivated plants are most affected by low CO2 and cannot perform photosynthesis in the optimum amount. Even if we accept that the temperature conditions are positive and that there is sufficient nutrients and water in the environment, the maximum photosynthesis level is 0.1% (one thousandth) vol. of the CO2 amount in the air. if it happens. The use of natural CO2 fertilizer Lithovit increases the photosynthesis performance in plants, and in addition, Lithovit makes this effect even stronger with the micronutrients it contains. Lithovit shows a clear healing performance in plants. In many plants these characteristics manifest as faster growth, higher yields, and in many cases lower water requirements, as well as general vitality. In addition, it has been scientifically determined that resistance to fungal diseases (such as rust on leaves, mildew, fruit rot) increases and sensitivity decreases in plants.

LITHOvit Packaging:
  • 1 kg
  • 3 kg
  • 10 kg